Sunday, March 28, 2010
Wisdom, Healing, and Blessing
So I'm a bit later than I expected with my new post. You see, while I was away last weekend, my lovely husband called to let me know that our children had come down with a bit of an "infestation" of the microscopic kind. UGH! So needless to say, I forced myself back into full swing, bought a vapor steam-cleaner, and have been attacking my house within an inch of its life all week. Just what I needed. Not to mention that I also started my first round of detox cleansing Monday as it's been a balance for, then feeling sick, and the cycle continues...
I was encouraged during my trip while reading the book Cancer: Step Outside The Box by Ty Bollinger. 380 some pages of great information. The first half or so dealt with the attempt of the cancer industry to conceal any alternative therapies that they cannot personally profit from. I knew this to some extent already but when you hear about the lengths these people will take to prevent the public from even hearing about their other options, it just confirms to me that there is real hope in these methods. Without dangerous radiation or surgery. The remainder of the book discussed the most potent natural treatments for cancer and other helpful resources, superfoods, and prayers to equip and encourage. My wish is that anyone who has even a slight doubt in God's ability to heal cancer without massive amounts of drugs and/or surgery would read this book.
The detox regimen I am currently following is also outlined inside as the first step in any alternative therapy. It should take me about a month to complete, at which time I believe I will be following the GAPS diet (which stands for Gut and Psychology Syndrome). This is the next book I plan on ingesting over the next 2 weeks hopefully. Written by Dr. Natasha Campbell-Mcbride, the concept of this diet is not to lose weight, but to heal the brain, body, and gut through a fairly drawn out process that emphasizes digestion and immune response. I am still in prayer over what exact additional "protocol(s)" I will be using, though I am currently still reading and trusting God to reveal his will for me in this area. Until then I will continue with my detoxes, juicing and infusing herbs daily, taking digestive enzymes, and eliminating sugar and white flour from my diet (as well as my house!)
I must say that although life is crazy, I DO BELIEVE that this is all going to be for the His glory. I understand very little of it, but in trying to make sense of it all, I have been able to see a few positive things come out already:
1. My family is eating much healthier
2. I am learning so much which will benefit my children as they grow
3. We now have an amazing steam cleaner which makes me want to mop the floors every day LOL
4. Out of necessity, I am (gasp) getting more organized!
5. Healing is coming, and has come.
One of the best parts of my trip was that I was HEALED of the chronic pain I've had in my neck and shoulders for the past 6 months! I haven't been able to dance or move freely without a lot of stiffness and pain for a long time, and nothing was really helping much. I bought a new pillow and went to several chiropractors but it just wouldn't go away. Then Friday night I felt insipired to dance in front of this large mirror and railing in my room. I began to move in ways that I haven't even tried to move in months because of my limited range of motion. As I did this, I felt God meet me and I began to worship and dance around my room until quiet time came at 11 pm. The next day I was able to turn my head side to side a lot more easily, but the tightness was still there. (However, I had been propped up until 3 am reading my book...)
Sunday was about the same, though I actually went to a church service where they happened to have Randy Clark speaking (who just happens to have a huge healing ministry). Many people gave testimonies of healings from his prayers that day, and I kept hoping I could be one of them, but I didn't feel anything happen. However, that evening I noticed a remarkable difference in my pain level..and by Tuesday I had no pain left AT ALL. Only a bit of stiffness remaining. But I can honestly tell you that as of yesterday, I am not even stiff. I feel better than I have in 6 months. How awesome is that?! I just know that God will continue his work in me.
I didn't even get to mention the fact that we recieved a $500 blessing upon my return which has helped so much! God really does meet all our needs. In fact, after church today my husband is bringing home two "guitar chairs" that I have been wanting ever since we moved here over a year ago so we can enjoy worship together. I happened to see a pair on craig's list and fell in love. Plus we are getting both of them for less than the cost of one brand new, so that makes my frugal heart smile :) God is so good. While I was gone, I felt like the Lord was telling me that my blog needed a facelift, so with my limited skills and abilities in that area I will be attempting to answer that call.
I love and appreciate you all. Be blessed as God moves in your lives and your hearts. As Paul wrote in Ephesians, I pray that, according to the riches of glory, he may grant that you would be strengthened in your innermost being, and that Christ would dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in love. I am in a hurry so can't cite the chapter. But I do know it continues to say that we would KNOW how high, and how wide and how deep His love is for us! Can you feel it??!!
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Wisdom, Healing, and Blessing
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