Since I'm horrifically tardy in doing so, I'll start off by announcing Sarah M. as the winner of the Art And Prophecy giveaway. Congratulations Sarah and thanks to all who entered!
For those of you who may have wondered what in the world I've been up to lately, I'll give you a quick run down: I was sick for almost 2 weeks straight, busy revamping my son's entire homeschool plan based on the Charlotte Mason approach I've fallen in love with, dealing with feelings of sluggishness and insomnia (adrenal fatigue perhaps?) and preparing to lead worship for the first time for a weekend retreat with my husband. (Awesome by the way..more on this very soon!!) I would be remiss not to mention one of the key factors that has held me back from popping in though, which is separate from (but a direct result of) the many things I just shared with you, so here it is:
Since I changed focus here at Dance And Be Glad awhile back, I began feeling like I did not have a solid foundation to build from, in the sense of really conveying just what true worship is all about and why it is so important. Writing a post to this effect would serve as a heartfelt and (hopefully) spirit-led attempt to answer some of those questions, and in turn, would release me to continue writing about other related topics once again, something I've very much been looking forward to! Ok, so I am in the midst of pouring into this post, plan to complete it by weeks end, and then on we'll go.
Just had to give you a quick update, and I will be back soon. I promise! Love to all :)
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Image by Amy Guth