My name is Leah and I've lived in beautiful Central PA all my life..yet still have this crazy dream to become a surfer and live on the west coast. One day, perhaps?! In the meantime I raise my kids ages 11-17, alongside my high school sweetheart whom I reunited with four years ago! I used to be a lot of things, but a Christian was not one of them. Read part one of my personal testimony here. Thankfully, God brought my heart back to Him and spared my life.
I love the Lord and people and have a passion for worship, including: dancing, singing, and playing instruments, though my skills are still being developed in these areas! I also enjoy nature, painting, natural living, and about a million other things :) Until God spoke to me about the direction this blog should take, I wrote about a wide variety of topics related to these areas. To access links to my featured articles and natural remedies posts, along with a more detailed explanation for my change of focus, read this post.
This blog exists as a place to support and raise up dancers for the Lord, and to encourage and walk alongside others in passionately pursuing Christ through creative worship of any form. He's the source of it all!
I do not claim to be an experienced dancer with years of training. In fact, until recently, I had never had more than a single lesson since I was a young girl! What I do have is a desire to rest in and express the heart of God, while learning and growing in my abilities as a dancer and creative being. It has been several years since I became aware of this desire, and it has been a challenging and liberating time as I've learned to step outside of my comfort zone and gradually realize the potential He'd placed inside of me, just waiting to be discovered!
In October of 2009, I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and have since been battling in both the physical and spiritual sense for the healing which is promised to me according to Isaiah His stripes we are healed! ***Update*** as of Nov. 2011, I AM CANCER FREE!! My hope is in the Lord, His joy is my strength, and daily I take refuge in the shelter of His wings. In Him I live and move and have my being...and I dance :)
In Jeremiah 31 God speaks of His everlasting love for us, and promises that he will build us up, lead us beside streams of water, and redeem us from the hand of those stronger than us. We will become like a well-watered garden, and we will sorrow no more. Verse 13 (KJV) says this: "Then maidens will dance and be glad, young men and old as well. For I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow." Amen brothers and sisters!! I am claiming these promises for today and choose to live them out to the fullest!
According to God's word, we cannot be separated from the love of Christ, but we can enter into His love with so much passion and expectancy that a brand new level of communion with Him can be reached! Through this "Jesus encounter", we will be changed, restored, and better equipped to be the hands and feet of Christ, sharing his love and heart, and helping those in need. This is the mission of my heart, and the motivation behind each post that I write. I pray that what you find here will be a blessing to you.