Are we being His hands and feet?
Lately the Lord has been speaking to me as I discern how we can respond authentically to His Holy Spirit, and I realized a big question had been left unanswered, even in my own heart: Why is it so very important that we as a body connect with Christ in such a personal way? I want to share with you today one major reason as it was revealed to me, and plan to share again shortly of a few more.
God's people are suffering. All over the world, there is hunger, disease, poverty, and demonic oppression/ deception which grieves His spirit. Many are living a life which holds nothing but the promise of eternal damnation. There are those we see on a daily basis who are hungry for truth (even without knowing it) and would willingly accept prayer and the good news- yet we share it not. At least, not often enough.
Here is where really connecting to Christ can make such a difference. When we give Him the best of ourselves, really drawing deep from that inner well of creativity He's placed within us, we begin to naturally grow in our relationship with Him and produce fruit that can feed others. Boldness of spirit, purpose, and a greater love for the lost are natural responses to feasting on His presence. Not only that, but we will allow Him to be seen, felt, and tasted as well, as we physically display Godly qualities through our various art forms. Most importantly though, the power that is released through these acts of worship is actually able to tear down walls and bring deliverance, healing, or other anointings as the spirit chooses (more on this in another post).
The caution here is to be mindful of the balance between moving through him and moving for him, as well as remaining in complete humility at all times. While a rich and satisfying relationship with God is wonderful, it is not the movements of our hands and feet that matter, but rather, if we are being the hands and feet of Christ, serving and blessing others in His name. This should be our ultimate goal.
You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge in the flesh; rather serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."
Galations 5: 13-14
Please understand I am speaking with humility (and from experience) when I say that as good as it feels to be dancing, worshipping and experiencing the manifest presence of God, though it is pleasing to the Lord, it is a selfish and an incomplete offering if I do not go out into the world loving and blessing others as a result. My heart is being challenged in this area now more than ever, and I have a long way to go. Still, each step we take towards this goal is like incense before the Lord, and will radically affect the course of history as the children's hearts are returned to their fathers. The lost will be saved, the hungry will be fed, and the chain of events to follow will be unstoppable.
Let us be bold to step out and shine the light He's placed within us, giving of ourselves, our talents and resources, even to the point that it hurts. The reward is so much greater than the sacrifice.
Top image by roe_jessie