Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sharing A Bit Of His Plan

Tonight I share with you some news.  Before I do, though, please know that I have enjoyed the journey we've shared together over these past 11 months so much.  And no, I'm not giving up the blog.  *Insert toothy grin here* However, lately I've felt like what I really need is to focus more on the Lord and just be willing to surrender the things that make it difficult for me to walk in the path he's called me to.

As I've prayed and sought His direction in my life, one thing has been becoming more clear to me than I'd like to admit: (but here it is anyway, since I'm putting myself out there like that)

I think about this blog too much.

Returning to my writing has been so therapeutic for me in many ways.  The problem is...I can write about whatever I want to here.  That doesn't sound like it would be a bad thing, but for me, it gives me far too many opportunities to lose track of what is going on right now- in this moment.  My mind tends to run on overdrive as it is, and then to constantly have these ideas popping into my head throughout the day about what would make a great topic for a post, or maybe a good category, or series....well, frankly it's just too distracting.  I am blessed to have a wide variety of interests and abilities, but perhaps it was premature to think I could find the balance in sharing them all in this one place.

There's also been that instinctive writers "thing" creeping in where I start seeing the story in everything that happens rather than simply living it and allowing God to work that beauty into me on His own time. Have any of you ever experienced this?

So here's what I've decided to do (totally based off of the Lord's leading at the present time):

I will be streamlining Dance And Be Glad to be focused primarily on the "arts" of worship: with an emphasis on my growing passion of worship dance.  Living a lifestyle of worship is something we should each strive towards, but I've got a really strong desire to encourage the body of Christ to experience God on a deeper level.  By reclaiming the arts for His glory and creating our own passionate responses to Him, I believe we can do just this.  Just thinking about this gets me excited..very excited!!  Plus, the ideas I have for the topic seem to flow together seamlessly, while leaving my adventures with herbs, married life, motherhood and homemaking mostly off the hook.  *Big sigh of relief* For those of you who would like to continue reading about these things, here are a few great sites worth checking out (A few of my favorites and some of the first blogs I started reading):

Domestic By Design      
This girl and I share the same heart, I think!  I also have a guest post here talking about dance.

Keeper Of The Home     
Very helpful natural living blog.  I have written two articles featured here, including Better Bedtimes For Little Ones and Making Mom's Health A Priority.  Also, a collection of my natural remedy posts can be found at the Home Remedies Carnival here (numbers 31-37), along with many other posts worthy of your perusal.

Passionate Homemaking
All about the home, and living simply.

Inspired To Action          
Intentional motherhood- I befriended this girl, and she is legit :)

A Holy Experience        
The way this woman reflects on life is life changing.

Meanwhile, I will continue start writing our own personal family journal, including filling the empty pages of my children's memory books with all the sweet, quirky, and wonderful things they do which are all too quickly forgotten.  Maybe write some longer articles as I feel released to do so, in the forms of e-books, guest posts, or the like.  Eventually I'd even like to write a book, but that is something I'm putting out of my mind at the present time as well.

I'd like to thank each one of you for being here and caring about me and what I've had to say these past months, and I do hope that many of you will stick around and see how God is going to revamp this site to bring Him deeper levels of glory!!  You're support has been so encouraging to my soul, more than words could say.