Monday, December 6, 2010

Move For Him Monday: Just An Idea

Today I have a "Blogimony" featured at  Feel free to stop over and check it out!  If you're stopping by from there today, "Hi!" Please accept a friendly "air hug" from yours truly :)

I had thought about making a video for today's dance movement, but decided that there really wasn't a need.  Why?  Because it's something we all know how to do (young and old alike), and each have our own unique style for.  I find myself doing it often while worshipping, and it instantly seems to return that child like joy to my spirit.  Any guesses?  It's skipping!!  I'm reminded of the following verse:

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them.  For the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."  Matthew 19: 14

I tried to find the root for the word "come" in hebrew but I don't have a fancy program to do so and I finally gave up.  (Any suggestions for a good one for macs?)  Still, it seems to me to be a definite action word, don't you think?  I can close my eyes and imagine the sweet children I used to teach at our old church, and see them joyfully skipping, running, and leaping across the room during our worship time.  If this is how they naturally come to Jesus...shouldn't we do the same?! 

I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.  
Mark 10 :15

This week, why not kick off those shoes, put in some fun praise music and maybe grab a little ones hand.  Then bring the kingdom of God right into your livingroom as you define those mad skipping skills you've long since put away.   Let his creativity shine!