Welcome to the first edition of "Move For Him Mondays", my new weekly blog feature with a short instructional video demonstrating some simple dance movements you can do at home, at church, or anywhere in between! Each week I will introduce a new dance element, so keep coming back for more! It is my vision that as we gain confidence in responding to God's love through our bodily movements, we will experience him more intimately and share him more freely!
Praise him with the timbrel and the dance.. Psalm 150:4
While I am certainly no professional, (and in fact have never taken a dance class in my life!), the Lord has given me the desire to dance and always supplies me with the movements to bring him glory!
..In Him I live, and move, and have my being. Acts 17:28
This weeks video was done by my 9 year old son Breaden. He did his very best and makes mama proud! Praise God today for all that He's done and enjoy moving for him!