When I began this blog almost one year ago (wow!), its primary purpose served as an outlet for my bottled up emotions. Over time, it has worn many hats- and has evolved into a richer, more defined "place" as I've discovered which ones were the best fit.
Likewise, in my personal life, the road to where I am now has been full of colorful new experiences. Opportunities to learn, grow, embrace, create, and become part of something bigger than myself have been overwhelming! Not everything I have tried to do has gone smoothly from the beginning, but as I've moved along, I've chosen to let the Lord shows me which things are worth working toward. This leads me to the point I'd like to share with you today:
When it comes to serving Christ, there are many, many titles one may go by. Homemaker. Bread-winner. Parent. Spouse. Worshipper. These are just a few of the words which give a glimpse into the hearts of His servants. They're undeniable. Still...each one of us are full of creative potential which is just waiting to overflow into all aspects of our lives as we submit to God's leading.
If I were to ask you what you "do", what would your response be? I'll admit..my typical response would be, "I'm a stay-at-home-mom", or something like that. Yes, this is an enormous task (and blessing), but does sharing something as basic as this really allow God's creativity in you to shine though?
I want to know that you love Jesus, and your family, for sure. But...what I really want to do is to talk about your passions! What are your gifts? How do you use what you've been given to bring glory to God, and to be drawn deeper into his presence? What kind of fruit is being produced as you carefully tend to the seeds He's placed in your heart?
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. 6 If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. 7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 8 This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples."
John 15: 5-8
Do you like to write? Then you're a writer. Dance? You're a dancer. Paint? Well, you get the idea. It's OK to claim these gifts, and it doesn't even matter if you don't think you're any good at them or not. If the desire is in your heart, then the ability is right there with it, just waiting to be put to good use! Just as being a child of the King (our true identity) is a growing process, so is developing our creativity in serving Christ. It takes patience and diligence to gain skill at something, but with the help of the Holy Spirit, it's sure to be an exciting and enjoyable journey!
One more thing..Don't be afraid to experiment with new ways to worship and honor the Lord creatively, and continue to be open to the Lord's leading as you do so. The true desires of our heart come from Him alone..and only He can take them and allow them to grow and multiply into something bigger and more beautiful than we could have ever imagined.