Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Little Girl Who Loved To Write (A True Story)

There was once a sweet little girl who loved to write words.  As she grew, the sweetness waned, yet her ink pen continued to flow.  And so she would sit, writing from the depths of her being, words which would become increasingly soaked with despair and bitterness as the years rolled by.
It came to pass that the girl unwittingly stepped into the path of utter foolishness and lost her way for some time.  At last, she managed to find herself (or rather, be found) before it was too late, and began a new way of life.  A better way, yet unlike any she had chosen to live before.
A child was born, and her life was not her own.  Nor had it ever been, but it took this precious child growing within her to realize such a profound truth.  She embraced life with joy and the words returned: joyful, thankful words; flowing out like precious oil before her new love, the one who rescued her from her miry pit.  Her beloved Jesus.
Yet again, trouble came.  Years of it, and in fact, though she experienced much happiness and growth during this complicated journey, things never did quite clear up like she thought they should.  The unsettled dust seemed to linger in her heart and mind, and distort her view.  During this time the words came and went, but to the girl, they never really seemed to be worth saving.  It was as if she felt she wasn’t worth saving.  If only she could have seen herself through the eyes of her Heavenly Father!
One day, as if by accident (yet knowing this could not be), the girl found herself face to face with a new friend.  An older, wiser woman; one who had been carefully dusted off and made to shine the true light of Jesus on a broken down vessel like her.  It was also no coincidence that the Lord had been preparing and softening the girl's heart for days beforehand for this very meeting.  As they talked, the girls spirit became lighter and filled with the knowledge of who she was in Christ.  Not simply what her story had been through all those years, but what really mattered the most: God’s unfailing love for her, as a child of the King! 
That day, a well of healing sprung up inside of her.  Though hardships continued to present themselves in the days and weeks ahead, she felt she had overcome the biggest obstacle of all: the enemy that was herself.  She began making her way slowly back to the things that meant the most to her, as she learned to listen intently for the Lord’s leading.  
And the Lord led her back to her words (His words), and renewed her enthusiasm for the gift that it was: to bless, encourage, and love others into His presence.  She knew it would not be an easy task; simply that it was one she would gladly continue.  In His grace, her imperfections would be used for His glory.  
As she planned for the moment those words would flow again, she knew that this time the words that she wrote would matter.  Because she knew that she mattered.  Even if only one person read them.  Even if no one ever read them.  
She would not bury her treasure anymore.

A special thanks to Ann of A Holy Experience for shedding light on what it means to Live Life in the Upside Down Kingdom.