I love being here and sharing my heart. It is such a blessing and such an encouragement to me when I hear that people (like you) like what I'm doing. I know it isn't much, but it gives me a way to stay connected to the world on days where I feel I am alone with my kids in the universe. Alone to care for my health, my family's needs, my home, you name it. I have my husband and I have Jesus, and I am so grateful for them both. It's just so nice to be in contact with you other sweet souls, and I am so glad God has given me this opportunity. Whatever comes of this will be because of him, and I will give him all the credit. However he chooses to use me, I will oblige.
You though, you are with me at the beginning of my blogging journey. You make up the backbone of this community, and it just would not be the same without you here with me.
Be blessed, because you are fearfully and wonderfully made!
I pray that this weekend will be a time of refreshment for you and that many wonders of heaven and earth will surround and captivate you as you strive toward living a life of peace and joy with your family. I will be right there with you in spirit, learning as I go. See you next week!